Package: simecol 0.8-14

simecol: Simulation of Ecological (and Other) Dynamic Systems

An object oriented framework to simulate ecological (and other) dynamic systems. It can be used for differential equations, individual-based (or agent-based) and other models as well. It supports structuring of simulation scenarios (to avoid copy and paste) and aims to improve readability and re-usability of code.

Authors:Thomas Petzoldt [aut, cre]

simecol.pdf |simecol.html
simecol/json (API)

# Install 'simecol' in R:
install.packages('simecol', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

Bug tracker:

  • CA - Stochastic Cellular Automaton
  • chemostat - Chemostat Model
  • conway - The Classical Coway's Game of Life
  • diffusion - A Random Walk Particle Diffusion Model
  • lv - Lotka-Volterra Predator-Prey Model
  • lv3 - Lotka-Volterra-Type Model with Resource, Prey and Predator
  • upca - The Uniform Period Chaotic Amplitude Model


59 exports 1.99 score 3 dependencies 6 mentions 189 scripts 661 downloads

Last updated 1 months agofrom:9fbb1db02f. Checks:ERROR: 1 WARNING: 8. Indexed: yes.

Doc / VignettesFAILSep 13 2024
R-4.5-win-x86_64WARNINGSep 13 2024
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R-4.3-win-x86_64WARNINGSep 13 2024
R-4.3-mac-x86_64WARNINGSep 13 2024
R-4.3-mac-aarch64WARNINGSep 13 2024



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Simulation of Ecological (and Other) Dynamic Systemssimecol-package gridModel-class indbasedModel-class odeModel-class rwalkModel-class simecol simObj simObj-class
Add Functions from a Non-nested List of Named Functions to a Common Environmentaddtoenv
Linear Interpolation with Complete Matrices or Data FramesapproxTime approxTime1
Coerce simObj Objects to Lists and Vice-Versaas.list,simObj-method as.simObj as.simObj,list-method coerce,list,simObj-method coerce,simObj,list-method
Stochastic Cellular AutomatonCA
Chemostat Modelchemostat
The Classical Coway's Game of Lifeconway
A Random Walk Particle Diffusion Modeldiffusion
Edit `parms', `init' or `times' Slot of `simecol' ObjectseditInit editInit,simObj-method editInit-methods editParms editParms,simObj-method editParms-methods editTimes editTimes,simObj-method editTimes-methods
Count Number of Neighbours in a Rectangular Cellular Grid.eightneighbors eightneighbours
Parameter Fitting for odeModel ObjectsfitOdeModel
Create Regular Sequence from 'from-to-by' Vectorfromtoby
Methods for Function `initialize' in Package `simecol'initialize,simObj-method initialize-methods
Discrete Simulationiteration iteration,gridModel-method iteration,numeric-method iteration,odeModel-method iteration,simObj-method iteration-methods
Helpful Union ClassesfunctionOrcharacter-class functionOrNULL-class listOrdata.frame-class listOrNULL-class numericOrlist-class
Lotka-Volterra Predator-Prey Modellv
Lotka-Volterra-Type Model with Resource, Prey and Predatorlv3
Mix Two Named Vectors, Resolving Name ConflictsmixNamedVec
Class of Fitted Model ParametersmodelFit-class
Show Results of Model Fits$ $,modelFit-method coef,modelFit-method deviance,modelFit-method summary,modelFit-method [ [,modelFit-method [[ [[,modelFit-method
Count Number of Neighbours on a Rectangular Grid.neighbors neighbours
Get or Set an Observer Functions to an `simObj' Objectobserver observer,simObj-method observer-methods observer<- observer<-,simObj-method observer<--methods
Generating-functions (Constructors) to Create Objects of Classes `odeModel', `rwalkModel' and `gridModel'.gridModel indbasedModel odeModel rwalkModel
Transform Data Between Unconstrained and Box-constrained Scalep.constrain p.unconstrain
Accessor Functions for `simObj' Objectsequations equations,simObj-method equations-methods equations<- equations<-,simObj-method equations<--methods init init,simObj-method init-methods init<- init<-,gridModel,ANY-method init<-,gridModel,matrix-method init<-,simObj,ANY-method init<--methods initfunc initfunc,simObj-method initfunc-methods initfunc<- initfunc<-,simObj-method initfunc<--methods inputs inputs,simObj-method inputs-methods inputs<- inputs<-,simObj-method inputs<--methods main main,simObj-method main-methods main<- main<-,simObj-method main<--methods out out,gridModel-method out,odeModel-method out,simObj-method out-methods out<- out<-,simObj-method out<--methods parms parms,simObj-method parms-methods parms<- parms<-,simObj-method parms<--methods solver solver,simObj-method solver-methods solver<- solver<-,simObj-method solver<--methods times times,simObj-method times-methods times<- times<-,simObj-method times<--methods
Generate Plackett Bivariate Random Numbersalpha2rho pcu pcuseries rho2alpha
Find Peaks Within xy-Datapeaks
Methods for Function plot in Package `simecol'plot,ANY,ANY-method plot,gridModel,missing-method plot,odeModel,missing-method plot,odeModel,odeModel-method plot,rwalkModel,missing-method plot,simObj,missing-method plot-methods
Methods for Function `print' in Package `simecol'print,ANY-method print,simObj-method print-methods show,simObj-method
Simple editingsEdit
Color Fill Algorithmseedfill
Simulation of 'simObj' model objectssim sim,gridModel-method sim,odeModel-method sim,simObj-method sim-methods
Sum of Squares Between odeModel and DatassqOdeModel
The Uniform Period Chaotic Amplitude Modelupca